
All you need is within you

Welcome to Trikona Yoga

Where we provide a sanctuary for individuals seeking to awaken their inner consciousness and reconnect with their true selves.

Our Mission

To create a safe environment where students can feel free to be themselves, prioritizing their own inner harmonization and balance, while supporting each other through the creation of a loving and authentic community. Led by our experienced and knowledgeable teachers, our courses delve deep into the ancient wisdom of Yoga, teaching not only the physical postures but also the spiritual aspects that underpin this ancient practice, so that your mind and body will comprehend all of the many benefits that Yoga can give, to be then able to share this fulfilling lifestyle with others. 

Our Vision

We believe that yoga and community are powerful tools for healing and transformation, and by providing more and more opportunities to share and learn this practice through our teacher trainings, we can create a world where transformation is not just possible but inevitable. Together, we aim to spread positivity and inspire change, making transformation an essential part of our shared journey. Join us in shaping a future where healing, growth, and empowerment are woven into everyday life, sparking a worldwide shift in consciousness.

Surrounded by natural beauty, tranquility, and a supportive community, the location becomes an integral part of your experience

We believe that 21 days provide the optimal duration to not only learn but to immerse oneself deeply enough to cultivate lasting habits

Explore the ancient path of yoga and discover the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit

What our trainees say

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